Map Pin Interaction

An interaction detail used on local search sites.

Most local search sites plot locations on a map. Each location is marked with a pin. Usually clicking a pin displays a “balloon” with more information about that location.

Frequently, the pins are pretty close together. The locations may be close, or the map might be zoomed out enough that they overlap.

overlapping map icons can be hard to target

The Problem?

When the map pins are close together, it’s difficult to click the one you want. Often you have have to zoom in to click the right pin.

The Fix

Instead of showing the normal balloon, show a menu that lists all the locations that overlap.

menu listing overlapping locations

This example is from a web app created using the Placeable locator platform. But I first designed this interaction for Local Matters. We used it in the yellow page apps we built. (The font in this example is a little smaller than I’d like. Ideally the click targets would be bigger, and there’d be more space between them.)

The menu shows the location letters and names. Clicking a link shows the info for that location.

location info

Other Details

  • The pins are labeled with letters instead of numbers. (I first saw Google do this in 2003 or 2004.) This allows you to show a large number of labeled pins, and avoid having any two digit labels. Showing two digits on the pins is awkward.

  • The pins are layered with pin A on top of B. If the pins are added in the “natural” way, with pin A added first, followed by B and all the others, then A will end up at the bottom. Each new pin gets added in front of the others. (This is true for the Google Maps API, and every other mapping API I have used.) It works better to loop thru them in reverse order. This puts pin A on top of pin B, which makes better visiual sense.

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